Monica Angeles
Pittsburg Board of Realtors

Monica Angeles is a current member of the National Association of Realtors, the Kansas Association of Realtors and the Pittsburg chapter of  KCRAR. She has served as the Kansas Association of Realtors Director, as a Director at Large for this area, and is currently on the KAR Finance and the Grievance Committee. She was President of the Pittsburg Board of Realtors in 2016 and 2021. She has received the Pittsburg Board of Realtor’s Spirit Award and their Realtor of the Year award multiple times. Monica is also licensed in Kansas and Missouri and is an Associate Broker at Jones Heritage Realtors. She currently serves on the board of Rotary, Hearts and Hammers and the YMCA.  She is currently the only Spanish speaking Realtor in the area and has been licensed since 2007.