Nickolaus Hernandez
City Manager
City of Dodge City

Nickolaus Hernandez is a native of Ford County and a U.S Marine Veteran, with a Bachelor of Science in Justice Studies from Fort Hays State University and a Master of Public Administration from Wichita State University. In June of 2020, Nickolaus  began working as the City Manager for the City of Dodge City, population 27,300.  Prior to his current position , he served for nine years as the City Manager for the City of Arkansas City, population of 12,400. Previously, Hernandez served as the City Manager for the City of Osage City, population of 3,000, for three years. Additionally, he worked for the City of Salina as a Management Assistant for one year. 

Contact Us

Center for Economic Development and Business Research

1845 Fairmount
Woolsey Hall, Room 303n
Campus Box 121
Wichita, KS 67260-0121
P : (316) 978-3225
F : (316) 978-3950



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