Jeff Hiers

Jeff Hiers is General Manager of Kansas Farmers Service Association (KFSA) in Dodge City. A resident of Dodge City for 35 years, Jeff was born in Memphis, Tennessee and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Hiers has been and continues to be active in many aspects of the community. He is a past Chairman of the Board of the Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation and a past Chairman of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and also served as Chairman of the Dodge City Days Committee. Jeff currently serves on the USO #443 Dodge City School Board, Hiers and his wife Debbie have two children, daughter Erin who resides with her family (which includes 7 year old twin boys, Jaxon & Quinton) in Edmond, Oklahoma, and son Jeffrey & 11 year old grandson Elijah, who live in Vero Beach, Florida.

For the past 33 years Jeff has been the pastor of the Wilroads Gardens Christian Church in Dodge City.

Contact Us

Center for Economic Development and Business Research

1845 Fairmount
Woolsey Hall, Room 303n
Campus Box 121
Wichita, KS 67260-0121
P : (316) 978-3225
F : (316) 978-3950



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