This month, the Center for Economic Development and Business Research, housed at Wichita State University, released online population projections by age cohort from 2000 through 2030 for all Kansas counties. Based on recent migration patterns, the state’s population is projected to increase, on average, 0.53 percent annually and grow to 3.124 million by 2030. Based on a zero migration assumption, the state’s population is projected to increase, on average, 0.71 percent annually and grow to 3.264 million by 2030.

To read the entire news release about these population projections, click here.

To access the population projections on CEDBR’s Web site, click here.


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Center for Economic Development and Business Research

1845 Fairmount
Woolsey Hall, Room 303n
Campus Box 121
Wichita, KS 67260-0121
P : (316) 978-3225
F : (316) 978-3950



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