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Debra Teufel
President & CEO
Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber 

Debra Teufel is the President and CEO of the Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce. Teufel began her role with the Chamber in 2017 where she leads their divisions of Visit Hutch, Downtown Hutch and the Greater Hutch Economic Development Partnership. She previously served as the Director of Public/Private Partnership at the University of Oklahoma - Price College of Business. From 2008-2015 she was the Vice President of the Greater Wichita Economic Development Coalition at the Wichita Regional Chamber of Commerce and has many years of economic development across the southcentral Kansas region including Cowley and Sumner Counties. Teufel is a graduate of Southwestern College in Winfield, KS, holds her Certification in Economic Development from the International Economic Development Council since 2008 and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma’s Economic Development Institute.