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Allen M. Featherstone
Head, Kansas State University, Department of Agricultural Economics
Professor, Kansas State University, Department of Agricultural Economics

Director, Kansas State University, Master of Agribusiness Program

Dr. Allen M. Featherstone is a professor in the Agricultural Economics Department at Kansas State University. An alumnus of Purdue University and the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, he was appointed at Kansas State in 1986. His primary responsibilities have been teaching and research.  His primary areas of emphasis have been in finance and production economics.  He was named Head in June 2014.

As a leading agriculture finance scholar, he has studied land markets, investment decisions, mergers in the financial services industry, the probability of agricultural loan default and loan loss severity, the influence of taxes on farm land, and alternative federal tax systems. His research has been reported on in lay publications such as DTN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Economist, Bloomberg, Farm Journal, and Successful Farming.