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If you have any questions or need project assistance, please email andrea.wilson@wichita.edu

CEDBR is continuing to watch and plan for COVID-19 disruptions to our scheduled events. CEDBR will be hosting in-person events, but retains the right to convert the events to online only. In addition, CEDBR will be taking the below safety measures to ensure the safety of all who attend. If you are feeling unwell on the day of the event we ask that you please stay home. 

We recommend face coverings unless eating or drinking 

Practice Social Distancing of 6 feet

Hand Sanitizer will be available

Your Safety Is Our Top Priority
CEDBR will be taking the following measures at the in-person events to help protect all attendees.
- Each table will have less seating to allow for more social distancing
- We will have signage up in multiple locations to remind guests of the recommendation to wear masks and social distance
- The event moderator will make announcement reminders of all COVID-19 safety measures