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Dr. Dosse Toulaboe
Chair and Professor of Economics
Department of Economics, Finance, and Accounting
Fort Hays State University


Dr. Dosse Toulaboe is an economist and Chair of the Department of Economics, Finance, and Accounting at Fort Hays State University (FHSU). He is also the Director of the International Business and Economics program. He obtained his doctorate in 1998 from Oklahoma State University (OSU) with a specialization in international economics and finance. After his doctorate at OSU, he taught briefly at that university and the University of Central Oklahoma before joining FHSU in 2000 as Assistant Professor. Dr. Toulaboe is now a full professor and teaches a broad range of courses. His research areas include currency valuation and international competitiveness, currency zones, international trade, international financial crises, and third world economic development. He has published in various national and international academic journals. He is the winner of a number of awards including, the President’s Distinguished Scholar and the Van Hoisington Faculty Member of Distinction.