KID Wichita Area Report -- May 10-23, 2014
444-Build. Mat. & Garden Equip. Tile Shop 70452 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/10/2014 Specialty tile retailer plans Wichita location
621-Ambulatory Health Care Services Via Christi 70454 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/10/2014 Via Christi to close Augusta clinic June 27
325-Chemical Manu. Koch 70455 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/10/2014 Koch subsidiary buys ag chemical company
921-Exec., Leg., & Other Gov. Supp. Douglas County 70458 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/10/2014 Planting corn wraps up; wheat in decent condition
611-Educational Services Dodge City Community College 70459 Lawrence Journal World (LJW) 5/10/2014 Two commissions approve proposed college merger
923-Admin. of Human Resource Prog. USDA 70450 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/10/2014 State's wheat crop forecast to yield 18% less
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Figeac Aero 70453 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/10/2014 French air parts maker has plans to grow in Wichita
522-Credit Intermed. & Related USDA 70461 Topeka Capital (TCJ) 5/11/2014 USDA expands program for loans
541-Pro., Sci., & Tech. Workforce Alliance of South Central KS 70456 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/11/2014 A conversation with... Keith Lawing
511-Publishing Ind. TCJ 70460 Topeka Capital (TCJ) 5/11/2014 Credit union show growth, but banks still lead the way
524-Insurance Carriers & Related WellPoint Inc. 70466 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 5/12/2014 First look at health rates for 2015
921-Exec., Leg., & Other Gov. Supp. Medicare 70465 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 5/12/2014 Rural hospitals feel pinch
511-Publishing Ind. USA Today 70501 Wichita Business Journal (WBJO) 5/12/2014 Wage gains expected to accelerate in 2014
923-Admin. of Human Resource Prog. SBA 70505 Kansas City Business Journal (KCBJO) 5/12/2014 SBA helps women business owners land federal contracts
541-Pro., Sci., & Tech. Allied Laboratories 70502 Wichita Business Journal (WBJO) 5/13/2014 Allied Laboratories begins offering 'retro commissioning' services
511-Publishing Ind. KCS 70479 Kansas City Star (KCS) 5/13/2014 April surplus
623-Nursing & Residential Care Fac. Judge Riddle Boys Ranch 70469 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Plan outlined for closing of Judge Riddel Boys Ranch
712-Museum, Histor. Sites, & Similar Wichita-Sedgwick County Historic. Museum 70470 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Wichita receives preservation grants
813-Relig., Grant., Civic, Pro., & Sim. International Vine and Wine 70474 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 U.S. passes France as top market for wine
722-Food Services & Drinking Places Abuelo's 70472 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Strip center to join restaurant construction on Ridge Road
423-Wholesalers, Durable Goods Red Door Three 70473 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Back in business
923-Admin. of Human Resource Prog. USDA 70477 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Drought makes for bleak wheat outlook
541-Pro., Sci., & Tech. Moody's 70503 Wichita Business Journal (WBJO) 5/14/2014 Moody's: Kansas should make more budget cuts
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Bombardier Learjet 70475 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Small-jet market stronger
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Spirit AeroSystems 70471 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Spirit confirms layoffs in Kinston, N.C.
521-Monetary Authorities Federal Reserve Bank of New York 70478 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 5/14/2014 Debt use growing unevenly
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Airbus 70476 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/14/2014 Airbus earnings exceed analysts' expectations
813-Relig., Grant., Civic, Pro., & Sim. National Association of Home Builders 70504 Wichita Business Journal (WBJO) 5/15/2014 Home builder confidence hits lowest level in a year
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Boeing 70482 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/15/2014 Boeing wins $3.8 billion 737 order amid China travel boom
921-Exec., Leg., & Other Gov. Supp. Kansas Gov. 70506 Kansas City Business Journal (KCBJO) 5/15/2014 Brownback ends counties’ home mortgage fees
923-Admin. of Human Resource Prog. Labor Department 70485 Salina Journal (SJ) 5/15/2014 Producer prices rise in April
424-Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods MegaFun USA 70481 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/15/2014 MegaFun to move Wichita operations to Texas, Chicago
611-Educational Services UCLA's Civil Rights Project 70484 Salina Journal (SJ) 5/15/2014 School integration slipping in the U.S.
811-Repair & Maintenance Devlin Rod and Customs 70480 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/15/2014 Hot rod, customs business looks to expand downtown
722-Food Services & Drinking Places Doo-Dah Diner 70468 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/16/2014 Doo-Dah Diner to add retail, kitchen space but not seats
622-Hospitals Via Christi 70467 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/16/2014 Via Christi invests in simulation program
  Best Doctors 70491 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 Best Doctors
  Building Permits 70493 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 Building Permits
521-Monetary Authorities Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis 70500 KC Business Journal (KCBJ) 5/16/2014 Farmland values continue to retreat
923-Admin. of Human Resource Prog. U.S. Census Bureau 70489 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 Biking to work remains rare in Wichita
  Best Doctors 70492 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 Best Doctors
  New Corporations 70494 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 New Corporations
  Building Permits - Commercial 70498 KC Business Journal (KCBJ) 5/16/2014 Building Permits - Commercial
446-Health & Personal Care Dandurand Pharmacy 70487 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 Dandurand Pharmacy to open west store
611-Educational Services KU Med School 70490 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 KU Med School gives priority to Kansas applicants, is looking for more
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. EagleMed LLC 70488 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/16/2014 EagleMed adds service in Houston
511-Publishing Ind. Freddie Mac 70486 Kansas City Star (KCS) 5/16/2014 Mortgage rates
921-Exec., Leg., & Other Gov. Supp. Commerce Department 70508 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/17/2014 Surge in home building mostly in apartment sector
923-Admin. of Human Resource Prog. Commerce Department 70513 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 5/17/2014 Momentum builds in new-home industry
511-Publishing Ind. WE 70510 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/17/2014 Wichita area jobless rate dips in April
921-Exec., Leg., & Other Gov. Supp. Kansas Gov. 70507 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/17/2014 Brownback signs $14.6 billion budget
611-Educational Services Friends University 70509 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/17/2014 Friends to offer master's in IT security
611-Educational Services WSU 70511 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/18/2014 WSU, Beechcraft unite to 'insource' aerospace jobs
923-Admin. of Human Resource Prog. USDA 70512 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/18/2014 Low supply leads to higher prices for beef
541-Pro., Sci., & Tech. Brookings Institution 70514 Kansas City Star (KCS) 5/19/2014 Entrepreneurial spirit sags
541-Pro., Sci., & Tech. 70570 Kansas City Business Journal (KCBJO) 5/19/2014 Study: Missouri, Kansas are best states for banking
722-Food Services & Drinking Places Sonic 70566 Wichita Business Journal (WBJO) 5/19/2014 Sonic plans to use local contractor for downtown Wichita site
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Textron 70521 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/20/2014 Textron modifying tactical jet before overseas flight
611-Educational Services CEDBR 70516 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/20/2014 WSU economist: Jobs forecast strongest since '08
541-Pro., Sci., & Tech. Zillow Inc. 70515 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 5/20/2014 Mortgage, Equity woes linger
722-Food Services & Drinking Places Boba Zone 70520 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/20/2014 West-side Zone
722-Food Services & Drinking Places Boots & Buckles 70518 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/20/2014 Gone country
532-Rental & Leasing Services Corner 365 70567 Wichita Business Journal (WBJO) 5/20/2014 Corner 365 now open for business downtown
522-Credit Intermed. & Related CrossFirst Bank 70523 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/21/2014 CrossFirst opens bank on E.13th
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Boeing 70522 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/21/2014 Boeing 737 Max orders surpass 2,000
611-Educational Services University of Virginia 70531 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 5/21/2014 ER visits rise despite law
924-Admin. of Enviro. Quality Prog. KSDHE 70525 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/22/2014 KanCare providers post losses of $110 million
921-Exec., Leg., & Other Gov. Supp. City of Wichita 70524 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/22/2014 No deficits, cuts in 2015-16 budget
448-Clothing & Clothing Access. Fat Sally's 70527 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/22/2014 Open
621-Ambulatory Health Care Services Michael Williams Dental Practice 70526 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/22/2014 Dental practice is moving from 21st, Oliver
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Cessna 70530 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/22/2014 Cessna Latitude takes another step toward FAA certification
812-Personal & Laundry Services Tissu Sewing Studio 70529 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/22/2014 Square deals
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. Spirit AeroSystems 70528 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/22/2014 Spirit to market itself to defense industry
813-Relig., Grant., Civic, Pro., & Sim. Regional Association of Realtors 70532 Kansas City Star (KCS) 5/22/2014 Area home prices, new supply rising
811-Repair & Maintenance Absolute Custom Car Care 70568 Wichita Business Journal (WBJO) 5/22/2014 Absolute Custom Car Care opens Derby detail shop
532-Rental & Leasing Services SCKMLS 70544 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/23/2014 Sales slow due to low inventory
447-Gasoline Stations QuikTrip 70537 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 QT continues store upgrades
  Building Permits 70541 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 Building Permits
722-Food Services & Drinking Places Sonic 70536 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 Sonic plans South Broadway site
812-Personal & Laundry Services Wallflower Studios 70547 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/23/2014 Downtown Wallflower
  Independent Insurance Agencies 70539 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 Independent Insurance Agencies
336-Transportation Equipment Manu. GlobalParts Group 70545 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/23/2014 GlobalParts acquires type certificate of Meyers 200
713-Amuse., Gambling, & Rec. Botanica 70543 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 Botanica to break ground on new garden
813-Relig., Grant., Civic, Pro., & Sim. National Association of Realtors 70565 KC Business Journal (KCBJ) 5/23/2014 First-time home buyers locked out
531-Real Estate McCurdy Auction LLC 70535 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 McCurdy Auction doubling space with new HQ
  New Corporations 70542 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 New Corporations
524-Insurance Carriers & Related IMA Financial Group 70538 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 Hiring a high priority for some independent insurance agencies
315-Apparel Manu. Crown Equipment Corp. 70546 Wichita Eagle (WE) 5/23/2014 Forklift firm to open office, warehouse
236-Construction of Buildings JE Dunn Construction 70558 KC Business Journal (KCBJ) 5/23/2014 'Getting more than our share of growth"
  Bankruptcies 70561 KC Business Journal (KCBJ) 5/23/2014 Bankruptcies
924-Admin. of Enviro. Quality Prog. McConnell AFB 70534 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 Why the KC-46A tanker is one
236-Construction of Buildings McGraw Hill Construction 70549 Kansas City Star (KCS) 5/23/2014 Homebuilding surged in April
921-Exec., Leg., & Other Gov. Supp. Commerce Department 70533 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) 5/23/2014 Housing recovery's tricky balancing act
  Independent Insurance Agencies 70540 Wichita Business Journal (WBJ) 5/23/2014 Independent Insurance Agencies
532-Rental & Leasing Services Zona Rosa 70552 Kansas City Star (KCS) 5/23/2014 Zona Rosa reintroduces mixed use to KC area